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original art:
from my heart,
to the world

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The Making of Rainbow Rose colorful art photography beautiful artwork for sale florals happy picture original photography artistic nyc


Step into the vibrant and colorful world of Leo Lopez through his online gallery. Each piece is a unique reflection of Leo's creative vision, exploring themes of the cosmos, human existence, and world culture. From Blue Galaxies and Inksplosions to Circular Colorstreaks and Sea Changes, Leo's art captures the imagination and inspires the soul. Take a journey through Leo's gallery and discover the beauty and wonder of his original artworks.

let's connect~!

with just one email per month :) 

thank you for your interest ♥

alien abduction full upclose print perfect!.JPG

about the artist.


Leo Lopez is an emerging artist based in New York City. His works explore the cosmos of deep space, love & beauty, and world culture through a lens of color and imagination.


In his wide-ranging creative practice, Leo draws to explore form, creates abstract compositions, and reimagines unused or found objects. 

Leo has participated in group exhibitions in NYC and Berlin, completed commissioned works in the US and Mexico, and has sold works throughout the US and internationally. 

In his free time, Leo loves to travel the world (25+ countries), race in triathlons (4+ races), and learn languages (4+). His greatest source of inspiration comes from his intellectual curiosity and being a lifelong learner, as his art tends to reflect his love of classics, astronomy, and philosophy. 



Do you want to commission? Collaborate? Comment? Purchase? 
Leo would love to hear from you. 

Thanks for submitting!

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